The 3 Main Construction Materials Found in Buildings

In the world of modern construction, building projects are now the results of different details that are meticulously deliberated upon and dialled in to ensure that owners and developers attain the best results.

From methods and testing to blueprinting and regulatory compliance, the list of factors that anyone should get acquainted with is nearly endless as the construction industry continues to evolve. Among the different factors of successful projects that are bound to pique your interest the most, the materials used in the buildings are especially important pieces of the puzzle that make the most difference in a project’s outcome.

Why Materials Matter

Whether it’s in the context of small fixtures or full-sized spatial treatments, the construction materials commonly used in buildings make a much bigger difference than people expect.

While you may think that the various supplies used to build projects are no more interesting than a brick wall, the truth is that there’s much more to know about them than any part of the building process. In fact, looking at building materials from a more general perspective and the role they play in a project will show you that structures rely on items like concrete, steel, and wood more than anything else because of their impact!

The Various Raw Materials Used for Buildings

Considering that each commonly used material has various properties like weight, strength, durability, and cost, knowing which one is best suited for a specific area or part is critical for the best outcomes. This is why it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the various construction materials so that you will know what to watch out for and expect during a building process once it’s all put together. But what are the various options used for buildings?

We’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide to the most commonly-used construction materials in building projects to help you get started:


Best known as one of the strongest building materials available on the market today, steel offers different advantages and unique properties that leverage a significant impact on a building project’s turnout.

With its excellent strength capacity in both tension and compression and high strength-to-weight ratio, this material is ideal for the structural framework of tall buildings and large industrial facilities. Available in standard shapes such as angles, I-beams and C-channels, steel can be welded together or connected using high-strength bolts to build structures capable of resisting large forces and deformations with ease!


The best way to define concrete is that it’s a composite material made from mixing cement, aggregates such as sand and crushed stone and water. Compared to steel, this material can be poured into different forms, so it can take any shape, but takes time to harden into a stone-like material. This is a process that usually takes up to seven days to reach its full strength. Beyond utility, the one factor that makes this particular material especially critical for buildings is that it is both versatile and durable!


Used as a construction material for thousands of years, wood remains a critical construction material used in buildings and related projects today.

When properly maintained, this particular material can last for hundreds of years, thanks to its natural composition and overall rigidity. As it is a readily available and economically feasible natural resource with lightweight and highly machinable properties (with insulation included for certain kinds of options), wood is a worthy investment seen in many structures!


As you continue to familiarize yourself with the building process (or simply get used to seeing your dream project come to life step-by-step), the need to be familiar with the materials you’re working with is more critical than ever. Through this guide’s help, you’ll be able to determine whether or not your efforts are going in the right direction so that you can make the necessary adjustments accordingly!

If you’re looking for a residential structural engineer in Ontario, ASR Engineers has a team of professionals that can bring your dream home to life. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services!

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